Take virtual meetings to the next level

Unique Floorplan Design is a Dutch design studio that creates engaging environments for virtual meetings.

We create designs for powerful webinars, multi summits, large conferences, training areas user-friendly networking spaces and classrooms.

With your avatar you participate in the space, as visitor you are in controle where to sit and who to talk to.

Virtual face-to-face connections from a distance

• Easy collaboration
• A better work experience
• Screen sharing possibilities
• Co-create on whiteboards
• Easy navigation using your avatar
• A virtual space that can be open 24/7
• Different sorts of meeting in sessions for small to XXL groups
• Multiple independent meeting rooms in one virtual space
• Move freely from seat to seat, from meeting to meeting
• For spaces of 10 up to 250+ participants 

How it works

Our designs make use of the virtual meeting tools. These platforms are ideal for running workshops, training sessions and teaching lessons, where collaboration flows organically and all voices can be heard. See everyone in the space, have effortless breakouts and collaborate with your favorite tools. 


Move your avatar

• Each room is a separate area for audio, video, and screen sharing. Move your avatar into the same room as someone to listen, talk, or view videos and screens.

• Move into a room by clicking and dragging your avatar into a room or by double-clicking anywhere in the room.

• You can walk up to others and start a conversation, just like you would in person.

• Hover over other avatars to view more information about that person.

• Right-click on someone’s avatar to send them a message.

• Click the chat icon in the lower right corner to chat with everyone in your room.